» Alliance Francaise De Hyderabad (Cultural Venue) Events List
Alliance Francaise De Hyderabad (Cultural Venue) Events
Alliance Francaise De Hyderabad (Cultural Venue) has no events scheduled currently. Please check later for more events. The average user rating and a snapshot of Alliance Francaise De Hyderabad (Cultural Venue) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
After shifting from Adarshnagar and causing much heartache, the Alliance seems to have found its feet in Marredpally, and has comfortably settled into the old house that now plays host to it. Forgive the clashing furniture and become an 'ami' (that's friend, ignoramus) for unrestricted access to all of the Indo-French cultural center's activities. And there are many.
French movies are regularly screened by the Alliance in alliance (ha!) with the Hyderabad Film Club at the dingy but full-of-character-and-smells Sarathi Studios. Visiting artists usually perform at a bigger venue like Ravi....