False doctrines in Kings Temple This lady spoiled a marriage telling she would prophecy over a couple telling them that the man was evil and the wife should get separated from the husband.The husband is quite a believer.Where in the bible does god permit divorce except for sexual immorality.And how in gods will is it for a wife to separate from a believing husband.She prophecies things which are against god
Daniel Rathan.on 5th Jan 2010, 11:22am | Permalink
This is a place which is working against the principles of Bible in the disguise of Christianity. God has ordained us certain principles of Praise and Worship which has been given no importance over here. You just cannot gain souls to the kingdom of God through Music but by living and leading by setting an example of Godliness. Brothers & Sisters, Follow Bible not Patta Samuel or any human instructors. Let God lead U not human beings and let not be a worshipper of Humans but be a true worshipper of the living God who created you and Me.
Pros: Music Cons: The church is not led by the spirit of God but by the modern satan in the disguise of spirituality and driving the youth towards false doctrines. Basically Samuel Patta and his wife has not got the clear idea of what Bible teaches us on worshipping God an
It is not only the music that draws u to the church but as the name says they have a TLC group who give real TLC to not only its members but all who wish to be visited by them. Powerful sermons, Spiritual group, Spirit lifting music and caring people. The Lord works through them as well.
Pros: praise and worship, trendy music, no praise of humans but of JESUS only. Frequent meetings during the week strenghtens the spiritual life of a person in JESUS. Cons: People at times whistle in the church during the service which can be disturbing.
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