» Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park Directions
Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park Directions
There is no map for Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park currently. However, the landmarks/directions follow.
Closest landmarks
Sushma Theater
Directions from landmarks
Near Sushma Theater
Distance from key location
Imliban Bus Stand Jubilee Bus Stand Secunderabad Station Panjagutta X Roads Kukatpally HB Begumpet Airport Trimulgherry RTA Madhapur (Cyber Towers) Dilsukhnagar
22.7 km 18.6 km 19.7 km 16.2 km 6.8 km 16 km 18.5 km 10.7 km 26.3 km
Notes by this user: we want visit mahavir harina vanasthali n. park on 30th nov, total our family members 15. plz tell detail of arrangements. food n entry , cottage 1 , 9am to 5pm only.
Pristine wilderness dotted with an exhaustive splendor of floral and faunal ecstasy ranging from Black Bucks and bison to peacocks and 120 varieties of exquisite birds: If you are in Hyderabad, chances are that you have missed this fun-filled safari into the wild world of Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park.
Yes, welcome to the sublime side of jungle!
Located just after the 15th milestone from Secunderabad Railway station on the Vijayawada Highway, the park is a home to over 1,200 Black Bucks, Chitals (spotted deer), and an ever more number of birds and animals. But then, the....