V D Prasad Rao Memorial High School is listed in Schools. The average user rating and a snapshot of V D Prasad Rao Memorial High School follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
Notes by this user: Good teaching staff. 20min play activity in the ground. Bad points are bad hygenic standards. Punishes students for getting low marks and for every small mistake
Good ponts are good teaching staff and 20min play activity per week in the ground. Bad points are bad hygenic standards. Uses water in drums near toilets which are unusable. No drinking water most of th time. Punishes students for getting low marks and for every small mistake
In this area this is a good school & There is no that much of pressure on students. Prinicpla sir, Vice principal madam & teachers all are well mannered people.
one of the best schools of hyderabad. The standards are not comparable with nearby schools. It is having credit of producing so many Doctors, engineers (Including IIT ans. excellent .