The pin in the map is the location of Movenpick (Jubilee Hills). Please use the arrows to scroll in upto 8 possible directions. You can also zoom out using the buttons on top.
Closest landmarks
Indian Oil Petrol Pump
Jubilee Hills Check Post
Directions from landmarks
If you are coming from Road No. 12 towards the Jubilee Hills check post, you will find the Indian Oil Petrol Pump to your left, and Rhapsody Food Court next to it. Movenpick is located in the Rhapsody Food Court - you can see the board from the road.
Take the road towards Filmnagar - you will find Subway to your right a little less than half a kilometer ahead.
Distance from key location
Imliban Bus Stand Jubilee Bus Stand Secunderabad Station Panjagutta X Roads Kukatpally HB Begumpet Airport Trimulgherry RTA Madhapur (Cyber Towers) Dilsukhnagar
9.2 km 8.9 km 9 km 3.9 km 7.8 km 5.7 km 10.5 km 3.8 km 13.3 km
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The Scene
Quite good, actually. While a single room hosting a Movenpick, a Subway and a Deli 9 might awaken the dormant claustrophobe in you, this is more of an outdoorsy than an indoorsy place. Thanks to the peace of the location that can almost be filed under interior Jubilee Hills, it's inviting to sit outside with whatever sin you've bought yourself. And the 10 wooden benches outside with resident hookahs make the proposition more compelling (it costs to send up smoke, of course - Rs. 150 for 45 minutes).
The babe and hunk factor is high at Rhapsody. So, sometimes, i....