Rajeshwar Talkies (Monda Market) has no movies showing currently. Please check later for more movies. The average user rating and a snapshot of Rajeshwar Talkies (Monda Market) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
When this theater screened its first film, the parking lot could hardly hold two cars. Why? Because at that time, the city had no more than twenty cars. Yep, Rajeshwar goes back all the way to 1921.
It was renovated in January 2003, and the results are pretty good - an air-cooled auditorium, couple seating, digital sound, and the works. What it lacks is the lobby - which was done away with to make space for that parking lot, which can now hold nearly fifty cars - and a decent canteen.
The most difficult part about catching a movie at Rajeshwar is the drive to get to it. With it b....