Suresh Theater (Seetaphalmandi) has no movies showing currently. Please check later for more movies. The average user rating and a snapshot of Suresh Theater (Seetaphalmandi) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
need to renovate again i will suggest asian cinemas to hand over it, only they can make it like dulhan earlier the same sridevi theater at chilkalguda police station was in the same position and now its awesome and no i can suggest my friend to go with their families sridevi theater to watch movies
i really requested please hand over to asian cinemas
It took me half-an-hour of asking about at Secunderabad to get to Suresh, and the result is so not worth the effort. I enter the theater about fifteen minutes prior to the start of the first show, and find a lone cohort, nonchalantly swatting flies. Now I am admittedly confused. I am of course familiar with theaters where you have to stand in serpentine queues in the hot sun to get tickets. Maybe watching a cinema here would be easier and better.
Getting a ticket was fairly straightforward. The proprietor was literally beseeching me to take a few more tickets off his hands. I pit....