The pin in the map is the location of Sutradhar Casting Agency Pvt Ltd (Theater Group). Please use the arrows to scroll in upto 8 possible directions. You can also zoom out using the buttons on top.
Closest landmarks
HDFC bank, Himayat Nagar branch
Ram Murthy Hospital
Directions from landmarks
Take the lane opposite the above landmark. The lane is one limb of a Y shaped road and is on the left side when going towards Liberty from Himayat Nagar. Take the lane and then the first left. Sutradhar is the 3rd building on the right side.
Move in the lane beside Ram Murthy Hospital, it is 2nd building on the right side
Distance from key location
Imliban Bus Stand Jubilee Bus Stand Secunderabad Station Panjagutta X Roads Kukatpally HB Begumpet Airport Trimulgherry RTA Madhapur (Cyber Towers) Dilsukhnagar
3.1 km 5.1 km 3.8 km 4 km 13.5 km 4.8 km 7.4 km 11.2 km 6 km
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Sutradhar is credited with its serious theater enthusiast and guiding voice, Vinay Verma, whose impressive credentials include parts in several English, Telugu and Hindi plays, television and movies, and in several ads. He has done voice-overs for major stars like Tinnu Anand and even Chiranjeevi. And his able counterpart, Prof. Bhaskar Shewalker, is a former Head of the Department, Theater Arts, S N School of Performing Arts, University Of Hyderabad, with 40 years of theater experience. And he's directed 90 plays, too.
Sutradhar is primarily a casting agency, and seeks to provide place....
hello sutradhar casting agency..Myself Phaneendra interested in theater arts...I want information how to join the theater art. My Num: 9573173736 pls give the details ASAP Thank U