With shirts starting from Rs. 195, Big Shot Universe is certainly not just for big shots. The flagship store of the Big Shot chain, with its other branches being Big Shop World and Big Shot Indian, this one is housed on 3 floors, with distinctly colored plaques informing you what to look for on each level - all exclusively devoted to menswear and accessories. Yes, male chauvinist haven.
The staff is pleasant and courteous, even if they know you're not a buyer (me, for instance) or the Sales Tax Commissioner (again). The decor is tasteful, and the space and air-conditioning adequate. I take a look around and notice a wide variety of garments, belts and ties, and am gently encouraged by my contact to take in the two floors above. Ignoring the lift I take the spiral to the first floor and learn that this is devoted to shirts from the, by now, well-known brand names of Color Plus, Allen Solly, John Players, Louis Phillipe & Van Heusen.
Immediately to your left on entering the shirts level, is a comprehensive range of a brand which suddenly renews your faith in democracy - Public Demand - priced at a healthy and affordable Rs. 250. And the shirts are pretty decent. I take a deeper look and notice a fair account of casual & colorful party shirts, through I am discouraged from actually taking notes by the sudden appearance of a burly security man.
Regretting that I am neither a big shot nor a big buyer, I hasten my entry to the second floor, which I discover houses a virtual sea of trousers and Jeans - Newport, Killer, Sturdy, Sunnex and possibly more. I descend back to terra firma, and learn that there is a discount sale on, too.
Yes, this one completely indulges the MCP in you.
G-10, White House, Begumpet (5.5km)
Opposite SBI Bank, Patny, R P Road (6km)
Road Number 1, Banjara Hills (4km)
G-4, White House, Begumpet (5.7km)
Lumbini Jewel Mall, Road Number 2, Banjara Hills (5km)
3, Methodist Complex, Abids (0.8km)
21-2-239, Near Kaman, Charminar (3.4km)
1-6-110, General Bazar (5.4km)
Block Number 6, Business Towers, Tilak Road (4.2km)
5-1-763/4, Kushal Market, Koti (2km)
14-4-2, Begum Bazar (1.9km)
Behind BadiChowdi Police Station, Opposite Shanti Novelty Lane, Badi Chowki (2.1km)
Ahuja Estate, Opposite Surya Theatre, Abids (1.1km)
8-2-603/B/S/I/12, Mithila Nagar, Road Number 10, Banjara Hills (3.7km)
14-4-441, Begum Bazar (1.9km)
In the premises of Temple, Opposite Star Café, Bansilalpet
7-1-575, Market Street (5.2km)
24, Ground Floor, Ishaq Estate, M G Road (5.3km)