» Fuse Off Call Office (A S Rao Nagar Subdivision)
Fuse Off Call Office (A S Rao Nagar Subdivision)
Fuse Off Call Office (A S Rao Nagar Subdivision) is listed in Electricity Complaints. The average user rating and a snapshot of Fuse Off Call Office (A S Rao Nagar Subdivision) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
I csratnakar rao MIG C 42 , Dr, ASRAO NAGAR made acomplaint about the diconnection of service wire from the pole by vinayaka procession people on 7th sept 2014. Till today it was not attended inspite of somany calls and personal appeal to the line men when they are working at ASRAO NAGAR. If some body help me to restore the service wire damaged by the proceession, I will be greatful. cs ratnakar rao
Premasis Satmanon 13th May 2015, 9:12am | Permalink