Manohar Talkies (Station Road) has no movies showing currently. Please check later for more movies. The average user rating and a snapshot of Manohar Talkies (Station Road) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
Street Mary's Road, Station Road, Secunderabad - 500025
How adventurous are you? If your idea of living on the edge is purchasing movie tickets standing in the middle of the road where you are completely at the mercy of the vehicles that whiz past, then Manohar should become your favorite place.
Actually, finding the theater in itself can give you that adrenalin rush. It is located near Secunderabad Station, but the whole set-up appears no different from the innumerable lodges that have sprung up there. Say you somehow manage to find the hall and survive the ticket-buying routine. What do you get in return? Spit stains on walls, litter strew....