Odeon Deluxe (Chikkadpally) has no movies showing currently. Please check later for more movies. The average user rating and a snapshot of Odeon Deluxe (Chikkadpally) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
Ancient Greeks are supposed to have built some pretty colossal theaters, or odeons, as they were called. Think unlimited seating, think a zephyr or two wafting your way, think half a dozen slaves pandering to your every desire, and you see what I'm getting at. Now you wonder, could any theater in the city match up to those standards? Yup, Odeon Deluxe. And stop dreaming about those slaves.
The newest of the Odeon trio, Odeon Deluxe is at the very heart of every Hyderabadi cinema-goer's universe, the RTC X Roads. As you enter the theater, you encounter space, masses of the stuff. The sea....