Radhika Movieplex (Kapra) has no movies showing currently. Please check later for more movies. The average user rating and a snapshot of Radhika Movieplex (Kapra) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
Easily the most popular entertainment center for inhabitants around the Kapra municipality, Radhika 70mm is also the oldest. Established 25 years ago, this cinema hall boasts of housing the latest equipment in film technology. Xenon lamps from the US, hi-tech A/Cs from Japan and an unwavering selection of the latest Telugu flicks is what it offers you for the paltry dough you pay.
Unlike most Hyderabadi theaters, Radhika is encircled by fake Irani cafes (the chai is nauseating), telephone booths, tiffin centers (the standing types), auto-stands, a couple of black-ticketeers if the house....
fullhyd.com has 700,000+ monthly visits. Tell Hyderabad what you feel about Radhika Movieplex (Kapra), and then also see all user reviews for Radhika Movieplex (Kapra)!