Moulali Dargah (Moula Ali Dargah) has no events scheduled currently. Please check later for more events. The average user rating and a snapshot of Moulali Dargah (Moula Ali Dargah) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
The approach to Moula Ali Dargah serves to remind you yet again of the mofussil corner in Hyderabad's large heart - the one that refuses to turn all concrete and glass, with broad roads and convenient shopping, the corner that marches to the beats of its own ancient drummers. For, deep along the city where the roads eventually narrow down, where neighbors can look in and wonder what's cooking, in ways more than one, lies the monument of Moula Ali built more than 450 years ago.
If you are lucky, you will hear the call of the Muezzin beckoning the faithful to prayer ring out, as you b....