Jawahar Deer Park (Shamirpet) has no events scheduled currently. Please check later for more events. The average user rating and a snapshot of Jawahar Deer Park (Shamirpet) follows below, followed by all the user reviews.
Jawahar Lake Tourist Complex, On Karimnagar Highway, Shamirpet Mandal, Secunderabad - 500010
128 deer, 15 different species of birds and snakes, and monitors afoot. This is not the forest version of Fear Factor. Far from it. It's the deer park right in town, alongside Shamirpet Lake.
Yes, it's brave to think of driving up to Shamirpet in Hyderabad's traffic on any weekday. It's brave to think of it on weekends too these days. But once you get out of the claustrophobic city roads, the drive up to the park is quite pleasant, especially if you can make it on a weekend morning by around 9am. Although the distance from Secunderabad is around 35 kilometers, you may even make it in 45....